Philosophy in Africa

Philosophy in Africa: An Interview with Dr. Anke Graneß

by Alexander Lamprakis

Summer 2023 – In this issue, we explore the subject of philosophy in Africa with Dr. Anke Graneß from the University of Hildesheim. Dr. Graneß is a specialist in the Global Historiography of Philosophy and the philosophical traditions of Africa. Her latest achievement is the groundbreaking book titled Philosophie in Afrika. Herausforderungen einer globalen Philosophiegeschichte (Suhrkamp 2023) which delves into a diverse array of themes related to philosophical thought on the African continent. In her book, Dr. Graneß explores various aspects of African thought and its representation in both Western and African histories of philosophy. The book covers a broad range of historical, geographical, and cultural contexts, including Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia, Early Christianity, the Islamic world, and sub-Saharan Africa. By examining these distinct yet intertwined regions, Dr. Graneß sheds light on the philosophical perspectives that have emerged throughout the continent’s history.

One of the primary focuses of Philosophie in Afrika is the delineation and definition of what ‘African’ philosophy actually is. Dr. Graneß offers insightful reflections on the methodology and scope of her discipline, challenging traditional Western conceptions and highlighting the diverse philosophical traditions that exist in Africa. As she explains in the interview she gave for IPM Monthly, by doing so, she seeks to promote a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of African thought that seeks to acknowledge the great variety of perspectives offered by contemporary African philosophers as well as the methodological peculiarities of writing a history of philosophy in Africa. Furthermore, Dr. Graneß addresses the representation of Africa’s intellectual traditions in early modern European philosophy and critically examines the biases and misconceptions that permeated European philosophical discourse regarding Africa during this period. Her meticulous analysis challenges the prevailing Eurocentric perspectives and advocates for a more accurate and balanced understanding of Africa’s intellectual contributions.

About Anke Graneß

In addition to her research and publications, Dr. Graneß is the director of the Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt entitled “Geschichten der Philosophie in globaler Perspektive” (“Histories of Philosophy in Global Perspective”) at the University of Hildesheim. This project aims to study the histories of philosophies written in various languages worldwide and examine the global perspectives and interconnectedness of philosophical thought. By investigating the histories (mind the plural!) of philosophy written in various languages, the project seeks to transcend linguistic barriers and foster a truly global understanding of philosophy and its historiography. With her expertise in African philosophy and as the director of the Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt, Dr. Graneß has emerged as an important voice in the field of global philosophy. Her work not only contributes to the understanding of African philosophical traditions but also sheds light on the interconnectedness and contextuality of philosophical thought worldwide. For further information, visit the project’s website.