Doing Medieval Philosophy in the UK

by Rodrigo Ballon-Villanueva

About John Marenbon

John Marenbon became a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1978 and a Senior Research Fellow in 2005. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2009 and became Honorary Professor of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Cambridge in 2010. He has taught or held visiting fellowships at a number of universities abroad, including the Sorbonne, the University of Toronto, the University of Vienna, and the University of Peking. At present, he is a Visiting Professor at the University of Italian Switzerland. John is interested in the full range of Western philosophy (in its Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek traditions) in the Long Middle Ages (200 – 1700). By training, however, he is a Latinist, and his work for the first 25 years of his career was mostly on the Latin tradition up to 1200, especially Boethius, Abelard, and the logical tradition. His best book is Pagans and Philosophers. The problem of paganism from Augustine to Leibniz(Princeton 2015). He is currently finishing a book (co-written with the Arabist Nadja Germann) on the emergence of medieval philosophy in the Latin and the Arabic traditions and writing a study of the Other Medieval Philosophy – philosophy (mainly) outside the universities in Latin Europe from 1100 to c. 1500. He has also published on a variety of topics in medieval metaphysics, including facts and states of affairs, modality, and relations. 

About Anna Marmodoro

Anna Marmodoro is a Full Professor of Philosophy at Durham University, where she holds the Chair of Metaphysics since 2016. Concomitantly, Anna is an Associate Member of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, where she worked for a decade before taking her current position. She earned her PhD at Edinburgh University in 2006 and her MA at the University of Pisa in 2000. She has held several visiting positions internationally, in Europe, the US, and Australia. Anna specialises in two main research areas: on the one hand, analytic metaphysics; on the other, ancient, late ancient, and medieval philosophy. She has also strong interests in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion. She has published monographs, edited books, and journal articles in all these fields. Her most recent monographs are Forms and Structure in Plato’s Metaphysics (OUP 2022) and Properties in Ancient Metaphysics (CUP 2023). She is the co-editor of the journal Dialogoi. Ancient Philosophy Today, published by EUP since 2019.

©️Rodrigo Ballon Villanueva | “Doing Medieval Philosophy in the UK”, IPM Monthly 3/1 (2024).